We are open and running carts. Practice facility is setup and open. Todd has the golf shop stocked with new spring apparel and can be reached at 712-332-5011. Beth has Buds Pub currently setup with beer, liquor and light snacks and can be reached at 712-332-2097.
Our commitment remains to provide a safe and memorable golf experience. We continue to monitor and adapt with state Covid 19 guidelines. The following recommendations are still in place:
- Hand Sanitizers remain in place throughout the clubhouse and at counters
- Cart Sanitation – Prior to carts being staged touch points are sprayed/wiped with sanitizer
- When indoors please respect social distance from others not in your group
- We have added an Ipad for those wanting to check themselves in
- Cart Use – You may request a single ride golf cart for an additional $5.00 if available
- Buds Pub – Open for food and beverages, please respect others not in your group by following 6’ social distance guidelines
We look forward to a great 2021 Golf Season!
Thank you,
Brooks Golf